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Winter is coming! Pre-plan the snow removal for the upcoming season

Winter is coming! Pre-plan the snow removal for the upcoming season

Snow and Ice, the words itself shed chills and crispness. Here, friends, winter is coming! And so the snowfall. When this cold season arrives, you’ll see the snow blanket over and around your home. No matter how much these snow crystals appear drop-dead gorgeous to our eyes, snowfall causes real trouble. Providentially, Handyman Services offer Snow Removal services in Silver Spring MD so you can enjoy your wintertide. 

This time, we will share how we can make the snow removal greener.

Snow Removal Services

Mostly, snow removal companies dump lots of rock salt & other environmentally damaging materials on top of snow and ice blanket to get rid of it. According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, every winter, we apply more than 20 million tons of sodium chloride on our roadways. Nevertheless, it’s hugely toxic to the environment. Hence, it is better to prevent it before anything. 

Turn the white winter into the green panorama

The first thing is first.

“An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.”

― Benjamin Franklin

So, we are discussing the ways to turn a white winter into the green:

  • Track the weather forecast. Therefore, prepare the surfaces if you find snow and ice on the report.
  • It is always a good idea to implement ice melt before a storm hits.
  • Instead of rock salts, use environment-friendly ice melt. As salt is harmful to pets, corrosive to cars, can kill your grass & plants, and contaminates nearby rivers and streams.
  • Never let the snow build-up more than 3″. It will be easier to dig the small pile of snow. Also, you can clean the surface early in the morning when the sunrays warm it. 
  • Above all, protect yourself from freezing rain, strong winds, blowing snow.

Tips to minimize salt use

  • The foremost way to get rid of using snow is shoveling. Yes, when you don’t want to use the salt, clear the snow and ice manually. There are plenty of options available for digging like a shovel, snow blower, snow plow, or ice scraper. 
  • However, the salt doesn’t work when the temperature goes down around 15°F. You can use sand while the sand is not meant to melt ice. 
  • It is not true that the usage of salt in a high amount can melt more ice. Apply less than 4 pounds of salt per 1000 square feet. 
  • Despite the disadvantages, we know that salt is useful to decrease the freezing point of water. Therefore, no matter what salt product you choose, always beware about its capacity. In other words, at some temperature point, the salt stops working so, you should check before counting on it.

More figuratively, you can always contact Handyman Services in Silver Spring, MD that offers the best snow removal services. 

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